Psychiatric Assessment and Treatment

These assessments are carried out to establish a diagnosis and formulation of the individuals's problems, and plan their care and treatment.

What is Psychiatric assessment?

Psychiatric assessment is conducted to diagnose various mental health conditions. At Life Care, we conduct mental status examination of the patient who approach themselves or taken by the family/friend. We also assess the patient’s emotional wellbeing through a variety of questions. We recommend these patients to the psychiatrist in case there are signs and symptoms that may need medical management.

Based on the reports of psychiatric assessment & physical examination, our Psychiatrist would advise the best treatment and also prescribe medicines if necessary.

Life Care Counselling Centre

Benefits of Psychiatric Service At Lifecare

The counsellor will check the signs and symptoms. We discuss regarding the assessments done. This will help the psychiatrist arrive at a diagnosis and to prescribe the correct dose of medicines with ease.

Psychiatric Consultations are suggested For The Following Issues:

  • Substance use disorders
  • Schizophrenia, delusional disorder and other psychotic conditions
  • Bipolar affective disorder and depression
  • Anxiety disorders, Phobia
  • OCD
  • Disorders of personality and behaviour
  • Childhood behavioral disturbances
  • Behavioral issues in elderly, behavioral issues related to dementia

How Do I get started?

Step 1

Call us to schedule your first appointment. At this time you will be allotted with a communication session with our clinical psychologists regarding the symptoms.

Step 2

You will be scheduled for a direct appointment with the psychologist at Lifecare. For this session you are expected to come along with your child or the person needs service.

Step 3

Take the assessment test directed by the psychologist, then the case will be referred to the respective session based on test result.

Are you looking for Psychiatric Assessment & Treatment ?

Contact us on 8157882795

Take a Mental Health Quiz

Life Care team built self-assessment tools to screen patients for mental health disorders. The tests found on this site are intended to help patients identify if they might benefit from further treatment. It is strongly recommended that each mental health quiz should be followed-up with a proper diagnosis from a mental health professional.